Chick Days
The price of eggs may increase the demand for chicks this spring. You are encouraged to reserve chicks from our current order or call us with special orders now.
Chicks Arriving March 5th - Gassville Location - Reserve with a phone call: Lana 870-481-5165

Cinnamon Queen pullets $5.09

Speckled Sussex Pullets

White Leghorn Pullets

Barred Rock Pullets

Buff Orpington Pullet

Easter Egger - Adults vary in color.

Cornish Cross - Meat Birds
Chicks Arriving March 5th - Mountain Home Location - Reserve with a phone call: Lana 870-481-5165

Cornish Cross - Meat Birds

Barred Rock

Rhode Island Red

Easter Egger
Chick Season at Gregg Farm Services.
There are fresh hatches monthly in the Spring of each year.
Chicks are sold on a first come/first serve basis. You may reserve from upcoming orders and you can pre-order chicks to guarantee the breed/quantity you want. All chickens listed are pullets, with the exception of the Cornish Cross. They are straight run.
When you order through us, you don't always have to meet the same minimums required by a mail order hatchery. Nor will you pay for any casualties that can occur during shipping.