Racing Gallery
As people share photos of our 2024 lawn mower races, we will add them to this page.
If there is a racing fan that would like to volunteer as photographer next year - call Wendy 870-481-5165. It is so hard to take pictures when you are part of the working staff.
2024 Lawn Mower Races Photo Gallery

Top three finishers in the stock class. Travis Denton, Jason Denton, Ricky Bright.

Top three in the modified class. Clay (3rd), Ron Lukasik (1st), Gregg Williams (2nd.) Fun Fact: Greg raced an electric powered mower this year.

Winner of our first zero turn agility race - Kevin Lewis/Spartan Mowers

This is Cody, employee of Anvil Fabrication Specialists. He built the mower/wagon pictured at right.

Amazing what you can do with lawn mower parts and a welder! Once he refines his design, we may have to add drag races to our event!

John Framtom, Gregg Williams and Wonder Bread Clay representing GFS Outdoor Power Equipment.
Zero Turn Agility Race

Winner Kevin Lewis takes a lap1

HD Potter and Ron Meinhardt pick their ride. Ron placed second overall in the event.

Making careful progress down the course.

Don't hit the cones, boys!

Scoring the first round.

David E and grandson after-race clean-up
Race Time Candids

Killing time between races

Arkansas Lawnmower Racing Association compete for points every year.

Interesting perspective of bleachers and audience.

Racing fans

No pre-race jitters here.